2011 Guidelines Entry Form
September 17th – 20th, 2011
Once again this year we are excited to welcome all thermoforming businesses to our
prestigious competition. The SPE Thermoforming Division is proud to showcase the
advances and innovations in thermoforming design and applications.
1. All submissions must be final thermoformed components produced from
production tooling.
2. All images and descriptions must be e-mailed to the Parts Competition Chairman
two (2) weeks prior to the conference. Images to be in JPEG format and not to
exceed 1MB. The description should follow the criteria as stated on the entry form.
The company name and contact information may only be stated at the bottom of
the description.
3. The judging committee reserves the right to re-categorize a submitted product and
merge categories that do not have at least five (5) entries.
a. No electrical power hookups are permitted.
b. All parts must be production units and not one-off samples.
4. All shipments must be identified on the outside of box as Parts Competition.
5. Submitters and individual category winners may receive publicity in trade journals
or other publications. Therefore, submission of entry constitutes agreement for
publicity and guarantees that necessary approvals have been received from the
submitter or other interested parties.
6. Awards will be presented at the Thermoformer of the Year Dinner on Sunday,
September 19th.
Being Prepared to Meet Future Opportunities 20th Annual Thermoforming Conference
September 17th – 20th, 2011
Renaissance Hotel Schaumburg, Illinois
Entry Deadline
September 2nd, 2011
Commercial products must be produced from
production tools.
E-mail the following to bret@joslyn-mfg.com:
Shipments Must Arrive no later than Thursday, September 15, 2011RPM Complete XPO Service / SPE Thermoformingc/o Forward Air, Inc.
250 Willie RoadDes Plaines, IL 60018Add on Label: “Parts Competition”
Entry Deadline
September 2nd, 2011
Commercial products must be produced from
production tools.
E-mail the following to bret@joslyn-mfg.com:
Shipments Must Arrive no later than Thursday, September 15, 2011RPM Complete XPO Service / SPE Thermoformingc/o Forward Air, Inc.
250 Willie RoadDes Plaines, IL 60018Add on Label: “Parts Competition”