Quarterly Mags: 2011 1st
Chairmans Corner x 2
Thermoforming and
Sustainability x
University News x
24-26 Front Cover
Page 26
Page 5
Industry Practice x
Bonding Solutions for Thermoformed Low Surface Energy Plastics
Thermoforming 2.0 x
The Importance of Controlling Sheet Thickness Prior to Forming:
A Matter of Quality and Economics
Industry Practice x
Performance Products: Bonding LSE Plastics
nIn This Issue
Save the Date – 2011 Conference x15
Council Summary x28-29
Page 28
Conor Carlin
(617) 771-3321
Laura Pichon
(847) 829-8124
Fax (815) 678-4248
Conference Coordinator
Gwen Mathis
(706) 235-9298
Fax (706) 295-4276
Thermoforming Quarterly® is published
four times annually as an informational
and educational bulletin to
the members of the Society of Plastics
Engineers, Thermoforming Division,
and the thermoforming industry. The
name, Thermoforming Quarterly®
and its logotype, are registered trademarks
of the Thermoforming Division
of the Society of Plastics Engineers, Inc.
No part of this publication may be reproduced
in any form or by any means
without prior written permission of the
publisher, copyright holder. Opinions
of the authors are their own, and the
publishers cannot be held responsible
for opinions or representations of any
unsolicited material. Printed in the
Thermoforming Quarterly® is registered
in the U.S. Patent and Trademark
Office (Registration no. 2,229,747). x
Cover Photo courtesy of
Jose Luis Gutierrez, Getty Images
All Rights Reserved 2011
Thermoforming QUArTerLY 1
meeting held in Marco Island,
Florida in February, we
completed a huge undertaking
that will have a great impact
on how your division will
look and operate. Towards the
end of 2010, the division was
underwriting two applications
for awards through the SPE. One
of these was the Pinnacle Award,
which we won last year. The
second was a Communications
Award. During the application
process for the Communications
Award, we realized that a change
was needed within our board.
A Communications Committee
is perhaps not something you
would think our board would
need to establish, but what we
learned over the past 6 months
is that a sound communication
strategy is critical to our
continued success and
will accomplish several
important things for us. For
example, it will provide
structure and discipline for
key areas that cross over all
other committees. This will
ensure that all groups convey
the same message in content,
graphics and format. It also
provides the means for us
to more effectively use our
website that will provide our
members with new and exciting
details in current events, press
releases and a running calendar
of events, just to name a few.
This committee will combine
both the website and marketing
committees at this time and will
directly report to the past chair
within our organization chart.
More importantly, the board will
Quarterly® Chairmans Corner
Ken Griep
DC is for
uring our recent board
A communication committee hard each one of our groups
operate with more efficiency
and provide the membership
with new ways of expanding and
disseminated thermoforming
I would also like to offer an
open invitation to anyone who
might be interested in attending
one of our board meetings. You
will be able to see firsthand how
work and where we explore
ways to enhance our conferences
and promote educational
opportunities for budding young
thermoforming experts. Our next
board meeting will be held May
12-14, 2011 on the campus of
Penn College in Williamsport,
Pennsylvania. This is the same
school that your board has
supported through significant
funding and consulting time
during its development as a
Plastics Center of Excellence.
If you are a machinery builder,
processor or materials provider,
I invite you to join us. Please
feel free to contact me at your
earliest so I can arrange the
necessary details.
Thank you for your continued
support and get the word out
Do Thermoforming!
If you have any viewpoints or
comments, please feel free to
contact me. I would like to hear
from you!
2 Thermoforming QUArTerLY
Quarterly® New Members
Universal Dynamics, Inc.
Woodbridge, VA
Brentwood Industries,
Reading, PA
Jim Dolan
J&J Performance Powder
Carlock, IL
Wendell Gabbard
Stone Plastics, Inc.
Cadiz, KY
Richard L. Partlow
Reading, PA
Marty Rodriguez
Printpack, Inc.
Williamsburg, VA
Greg Hart
Global Tool & Automation
Laotto, IN
Evan Gilham
Productive Plastics, Inc.
Mt. Laurel, NJ
Mark J. Foster
Mangar Industries, Inc.
New Britain, PA
Tara Moening
Cincinnati, OH
Jeremy Schnulle
McHenry, IL
Michael Ravizza
CSU Chico
Violet Stefanovski
Visypak Food Plastics,
Clayton, Victoria,
Eduardo Requena
Houston, TX
Scott J. LaCourse
Big Rapids, MI
Andreas Seefried
Institute of Polymer
Erlangen, Germany
Brett K. Braker
Pennsylvania College of
Williamsport, PA
Dan Birschbach
Bardes Plastics, Inc.
Milwaukee, WI
Kari Malmstrom
Shirlon Plastics, Inc.
Cambridge, ON, Canada
Jeeyoung Choi
Align Technology
San Jose, CA
Bill J. Burke, Jr.
Spring, TX
Tracy C. Wolf
Innovative Plastech, Inc.
Batavia, IL
Kamal Eldin Eisa, Jr.
Octal Petrochemicals
Salalah, Oman
Laurel Graves
Spartanburg, SC
Dan W. Leisner
Eberle Manufacturing Co.
Wheeling, IL
John D. Manos
Rochester, NY
Andy Pavlick
Genpak LLC
Hope Hull, AL
Dave Armstrong
Fabri-Kal Corp.
Kalamazoo, MI
Stephen F. Maguire
Tray-Pak Corp.
Reading, PA
Dale A. Hogan
Visy Industries
Campbellfield, Victoria,
Alan Jordan
Janesville, WI
Perry Engstrom
Arlington Heights, IL
Tom Douglas
Douglas Fabrication &
Machine, Inc.
Wendell, NC
Sam Woodford
Placon Corp.
Madison, WI
Robert D. Ward
Thule Inc.
Franklin Park, IL
Why Join?
Why Not?
It has never been more important to be a
member of your professional society than
now, in the current climate of change and
volatility in the plastics industry. Now,
more than ever, the information you
access and the personal networks you
create can and will directly impact your
future and your career.
Active membership in SPE keeps you
current, keeps you informed, and keeps
you connected.
The question really isnt why join?
William Person
Bloomfield Hills, MI
Varawong Tangitvet
Chonburi, Thailand
Daniel J. Hribar
Plastic Ingenuity
Cross Plains, WI
Keith D. Smith
Flight Plastics
Wellington, New
Suresh Ayyasamy
GDC Inc.
Goshen, IN
Quarterly® New Members
Universal Dynamics, Inc.
Woodbridge, VA
Brentwood Industries,
Reading, PA
Jim Dolan
J&J Performance Powder
Carlock, IL
Wendell Gabbard
Stone Plastics, Inc.
Cadiz, KY
Richard L. Partlow
Reading, PA
Marty Rodriguez
Printpack, Inc.
Williamsburg, VA
Greg Hart
Global Tool & Automation
Laotto, IN
Evan Gilham
Productive Plastics, Inc.
Mt. Laurel, NJ
Mark J. Foster
Mangar Industries, Inc.
New Britain, PA
Tara Moening
Cincinnati, OH
Jeremy Schnulle
McHenry, IL
Michael Ravizza
CSU Chico
Violet Stefanovski
Visypak Food Plastics,
Clayton, Victoria,
Eduardo Requena
Houston, TX
Scott J. LaCourse
Big Rapids, MI
Andreas Seefried
Institute of Polymer
Erlangen, Germany
Brett K. Braker
Pennsylvania College of
Williamsport, PA
Dan Birschbach
Bardes Plastics, Inc.
Milwaukee, WI
Kari Malmstrom
Shirlon Plastics, Inc.
Cambridge, ON, Canada
Jeeyoung Choi
Align Technology
San Jose, CA
Bill J. Burke, Jr.
Spring, TX
Tracy C. Wolf
Innovative Plastech, Inc.
Batavia, IL
Kamal Eldin Eisa, Jr.
Octal Petrochemicals
Salalah, Oman
Laurel Graves
Spartanburg, SC
Dan W. Leisner
Eberle Manufacturing Co.
Wheeling, IL
John D. Manos
Rochester, NY
Andy Pavlick
Genpak LLC
Hope Hull, AL
Dave Armstrong
Fabri-Kal Corp.
Kalamazoo, MI
Stephen F. Maguire
Tray-Pak Corp.
Reading, PA
Dale A. Hogan
Visy Industries
Campbellfield, Victoria,
Alan Jordan
Janesville, WI
Perry Engstrom
Arlington Heights, IL
Tom Douglas
Douglas Fabrication &
Machine, Inc.
Wendell, NC
Sam Woodford
Placon Corp.
Madison, WI
Robert D. Ward
Thule Inc.
Franklin Park, IL
Why Join?
Why Not?
It has never been more important to be a
member of your professional society than
now, in the current climate of change and
volatility in the plastics industry. Now,
more than ever, the information you
access and the personal networks you
create can and will directly impact your
future and your career.
Active membership in SPE keeps you
current, keeps you informed, and keeps
you connected.
The question really isnt why join?
William Person
Bloomfield Hills, MI
Varawong Tangitvet
Chonburi, Thailand
Daniel J. Hribar
Plastic Ingenuity
Cross Plains, WI
Keith D. Smith
Flight Plastics
Wellington, New
Suresh Ayyasamy
GDC Inc.
Goshen, IN
Ted Bickel
amros industries, inc.
Cleveland, OH
Bill Goldfarb
Peter Rye
Chico, CA
Thomas Kivisto
Plas-Labs, Inc.
Lansing, MI
Bradley Lovelady
Formation Plastics, Inc.
Quinter, KS
Thermoforming QUArTerLY 3
Quarterly® is an
equal opportunity
You will notice that
we have several
departments and
feature articles. If you
have a technical article
or other articles you
would like to submit,
please send to
Conor Carlin, Editor.
Please send in
.doc format.
All graphs and photos
should be of sufficient
size and contrast to
provide a sharp printed
4 Thermoforming QUArTerLY
Industry Practice
Bonding Solutions for Thermoformed
Low Surface Energy Plastics
Shari Loushin, Sr. Technical Service Specialist, 3M Industrial Adhesives & Tapes Division,
and Ted Steiner, Corporate Technical Service Scientist, 3M Industrial Adhesives & Tapes
When seeking to manufacture a plastic-based part,
there are more options for attaching parts together
than ever before. In the past Low Surface Energy
(LSE) plastics, such as Thermoplastic Polyolefin
(TPO), Polypropylene (PP), and Polyethylenes
(e.g. HDPE) had to be mechanically attached or
solvent welded since true adhesive bonding did
not work well with these materials. Mechanical
attachments (such as clips, screws, etc.) can be used
with virtually any surface but they require additional
steps to mold or create features for the attachment,
can lead to stress concentrations which may result
in plastic cracking and premature failures, and often
result in unsightly surfaces. Solvent welding has the
disadvantage of relying on the use of hazardous and
noxious solvents.
In the past decade, new adhesives and bonding tapes
have been formulated which allow robust bonding
of many of these low surface energy plastics.
This allows manufacturers to take advantage of
the benefits of using adhesives and bonding tapes
including design flexibility, stress distribution, bond
dissimilar materials, use lighter/thinner materials as
well as clean final bond appearance.
Bonding Fundamentals
Why LSE Surfaces are Hard
to Bond
Adhesive bonding of metals, paints and plastics has
been common for many years with a wide variety of
adhesive technologies available, including structural
adhesives (epoxy, acrylic, urethane), non-structural
adhesives (hot melt, contact adhesives) and pressure
sensitive adhesives (peel and stick bonding tapes).
But until recently these adhesives were not used on
tougher-to-bond thermoplastic materials including
TPO, polypropylene and polyethylene because of
their surface characteristics.
For an adhesive to be useful it must achieve
adhesion to the substrate surface. Adhesion depends
largely upon surface phenomena the adhesive
must flow out on and appropriately interact with
the surface of the parts to be joined. The adhesive
must be able to make intimate contact with the
surface of the substrate. Such intimate contact
is called wetting out the surface, and refers to
the adhesives ability to spread over the surface.
While adhesives use different mechanisms to
flow and achieve contact structural adhesives
are low viscosity liquids before curing, hot melt
adhesives are heated to a flowable viscosity at
application, and pressure sensitive adhesives make
use of their unique viscoelastic nature to flow
in all cases the ability of the adhesive to wet the
surface is important. In addition to the chemical
make-up of the surface, the texture, porosity, and
any contamination or barriers that coat the surface
of the substrate (such as mold release agents,
process additives which bloom to the surface,
or contaminants from handling) can affect the
adhesives ability to flow and achieve intimate
Even if cleaned of such barriers and contaminants,
some surfaces such as TPO, PP and PE may resist
(continued on next page)
Thermoforming QUArTerLY 5
being wetted by an adhesive. This is because
of a phenomenon referred to as surface energy.
Surface energy is the excess energy that exists
at the surface (as opposed to the bulk) of a solid.
This excess energy exists because molecules at the
surface cannot interact with as many like neighbors
as molecules in the bulk are able to do. Therefore,
they have excess interaction energy.
The surface energy of a solid varies with its
chemical make-up as shown in the table below.
Note that metals and glass have a high surface
energy and are easier to bond whereas plastics have
a lower surface energy and are harder to bond.
Hardest of all are the low surface energy plastics in
the first several rows of the table.
Surface energies of common substances.
Table adapted from: Adhesion and Adhesives: Science and
Technology; Anthony J. Kinloch, New York: Chapman and Hall (1987).
A related concept is the surface energy (or surface
tension) of a liquid, which is the amount of excess
energy at the surface of the liquid. Surface tension
exists because molecules in the bulk liquid are in
a lower energy state than at the surface. When a
liquid is placed on a solid surface what happens
depends on the relative surface energy of the
liquid compared to the surface energy of the
solid. If the liquid has a higher surface energy
than the attractive forces between the liquid and
the solid surface, the liquid will prefer to maintain
its spherical form. Raindrops bead up on a freshly
waxed car because the surface energy of the water is
higher than that of the wax. When this phenomenon
happens between an adhesive and a substrate the
adhesive will not spread and make intimate contact
with the surface to be bonded; rather, the liquid
molecules will tend to remain associated with
themselves rather than the surface. The result is
lower bond strengths. In contrast, if the surface
energy of the adhesive is less than that of the
substrate the adhesive will spread out and wet the
substrate thus making the intimate contact necessary
for good bonding.
Therefore, high surface energy (HSE) materials such
as metals and glasses can be readily bonded with a
variety of adhesives which will be strongly attracted
to the solid. Medium surface energy (MSE) materials
such as Polyester and PVC can be bonded with many
adhesives, but low surface energy (LSE) materials
are very difficult to bond. Wet-out becomes a
challenge unless the surface is modified, since the
unmodified surface has such a low surface energy.
The surface energy of the liquid adhesive is likely to
be higher than the surface energy of the solid.
While some adhesives are available to bond
LSE materials, another strategy is to use surface
modification techniques which can change the
chemical composition of the surface to increase
the surface energy and allow a broader number of
adhesives to be considered. These techniques include
(continued on next page)
Solid surface has high surface
energy. Liquid will spread or
wet out the surface.
Solid has low surface energy;
adhesive will bead on the
6 Thermoforming QUArTerLY
flame, corona or plasma treatment, acid etching or
use of solvent based adhesion promoters that contain
higher surface energy resins which entangle with
the low surface energy substrate when the solvent
swells the surface. Once the surface is modified it
is easier for the adhesive to flow out on or wet the
treated surface and make a suitable bond. While
surface modification might be needed in some
cases, typically it will add cost, complexity and may
present environmental or safety issues.
Increase in surface energy of Polyethylene after several common
surface treatment methods.
Chart adapted from: Rauhut, H.W. Adhesives Age 13(1), p. 34 (1970).
New Methods for Bonding
LSE Plastics
Technology has advanced to the point where
adhesives are available that are capable of high
performance bonding to LSE substrates such as
TPO, PP and PE without surface treatment. Easy
to use adhesion promoters are also available as
a companion to some adhesive product types to
increase the strength and broaden the selection.
Structural Adhesives
3M Scotch-Weld Plastic Adhesives DP8005
and DP8010 are uniquely formulated to bond
to LSE plastics (as well as high surface energy
plastics and metals). These are two-part, solventfree,
room temperature curing adhesives that
come in convenient duo-pak format or, for large
applications, in bulk. They resist many chemicals,
water, humidity and corrosion. Generally surface
preparation is limited to solvent cleaning (to
remove surface contaminants). Sometimes, light
abrasion or a matte finish on the bonded surfaces
can increase bond strengths.
DP8005 in a Duo-Pak cartridge with disposable static mix
nozzle being applied to a plastic part.
Adhesion strength of structural adhesives such
as DP8005 and DP8010 is usually characterized
using an overlap shear test. Substrates are bonded
together with a controlled overlap and the adhesive
is allowed to cure. After cure the adhesive bond is
pulled in the shear mode at a constant rate and the
peak force to break is measured. By convention
an adhesive is considered structural if it is capable
of achieving greater than 1000 psi break strength
in the overlap shear test. To achieve this level
of break strength the adhesive must have high
adhesion strength to the substrates.
DP8005 and DP8010 create structural (greater
than 1000 psi overlap shear) bonds to low surface
energy plastics without pre-treatment. Below are
some representative overlap shear bond strength
data for DP8005 and DP8010 on common plastic
substrates including LSE plastics. Note that with
several substrates tested the substrate itself was
not strong enough to support the 1000 psi load and
the substrate failed before the adhesive to substrate
bond did.
(continued on next page)
Thermoforming QUArTerLY 7
SF: Substrate Failure; CF: Cohesive failure; AF: Adhesive
Bonding strength of DP8005 and DP8010 on some common
Bonding strength of DP8005 and DP8010 on HDPE after
various environmental challenge conditions.
Because of its high bond strengths to untreated
polyolefins, ease of use (in Duo-Pak cartridges with
static mix nozzles) and favorable environmental
characteristics, DP8005 and DP8010 have met
great success in bonding low surface energy
plastics in a variety of applications. Typical
applications include bonding of molded or
thermoformed parts for interior and exterior fascia,
liquid containers, decorative panels, and appliance
and sporting goods trim and accessories, and
protective equipment, and electronic components
wire potting and housings.
Hot Melt Adhesives
Hot melt adhesives may also be used to bond
lightweight thermoplastic pieces. These adhesives
have the advantage of providing quick tack and
handling strength, thus speeding production.
These adhesives combine high heat resistance
with relatively high strength and low creep. These
products can provide benefits to manufacturers
who can trade off heavy duty bonding for faster
production speed in applications such as POP
displays; sample boards and tabletop displays;
exhibitor booths; foam inserts to carrying cases;
fabric or paneling to foam; and molded reinforced
plastic to fabric or fascia for furniture and
automotive interiors.
Pressure Sensitive Adhesives
Pressure sensitive adhesives are unique in that they
do not cure or undergo a chemical change when
applied. Pressure sensitive adhesives are viscoelastic
materials that exhibit both viscous (flow) and elastic
(resistance) properties at the same time. When the
adhesive is put on the substrate typically in tape
form and pressure is applied the adhesive makes
immediate contact for initial adhesion but continues
to flow onto the surface to achieve increased contact
and a higher level of strength over time.
One advantage of pressure sensitive bonding tapes
is that the bond is immediate so there is no clamp
or cure time. They are also unique in that you do
not have to bond the adhesive to both substrates
at the same time. The tape can be applied to the
first substrate one day and to the second substrate
the same day, the next day, or weeks later. This
brings added convenience and can be a benefit
for many applications including assembly line
processes. In particular, acrylic pressure-sensitive
adhesives provide the best balance of adhesion and
performance properties for many applications, but
generally do not bond to LSE plastics.
(continued on next page)
8 Thermoforming QUArTerLY
Relatively new acrylic PSA technology now bonds
to a wide variety of LSE plastics while maintaining
excellent high-temperature and chemical resistance
and high-peel strength. This technology is available
as an adhesive transfer tape and as a double-coated
tape. It works in light to medium-weight bonding
applications such as bonding nameplates to LSE
plastic parts or bonding carpet onto polypropylene
door panels.
Very high strength bonding tapes are available and
are used for a variety of applications previously
reserved for mechanical fasteners or structural
adhesives. These tapes are acrylic foam construction
and have viscoelastic characteristics throughout the
product. The foam absorbs energy to provide high
strength and relaxes stress to protect the bond. The
tape allows, rather than fights, movement between
parts. A high level of tape to substrate adhesion is
required for the foam to allow relative movement of
the parts without coming de-bonded at the tape to
substrate interface.
While some tapes are available for lightweight
bonding on some LSE plastics, generally the acrylic
foam tapes do not have high enough adhesion
strength to LSE plastics without additional surface
modification. Easy to use brush on primer is
available to give very high tape to substrate adhesion
on some LSE plastics.
Strength of pressure sensitive bonding tapes is
typically characterized using a peel adhesion test.
Shown below is 90 degree peel adhesion data for
3MTM VHBTM 4952 tape on four grades of TPO
with different surface preparation techniques.
Although required bond strength varies by
application typically an adhesion level of 20 lb./
inch or greater in this test is desired for most
general applications.
High strength bonding tapes are typically used for
bonding panels to frames, bonding stiffeners to
panels, and bonding decorative overlays, scuff and
rub strips. (See chart below.)
New tape and adhesive technologies that bond
to LSE plastics offer increased efficiency,
reduced costs, and improved design flexibility
when using these versatile and popular plastics
for manufacturing a variety of products. The
use of these materials enables the use of lower
cost and thinner plastics. It also allows for
joining dissimilar substrates. Examples include
bonding thermoformed bumpers to metal; vehicle
seats, toppers and accessories; binning strips,
architectural panels; plastic lumber; signage;
transport cases; protective armament, and many
others. x
Thermoforming QUArTerLY 9
Need help
with your
technical school
or college
f you or someone you know is
working towards a career in
the plastic industry, let the SPE
Thermoforming Division help support
those education goals.
Within this past year alone, our
organization has awarded multiple
scholarships! Get involved and take
advantage of available support from
your plastic industry!
Here is a partial list of schools
and colleges whose students have
benefited from the Thermoforming
Division Scholarship Program:
UMASS Lowell
San Jose State
Pittsburg State
Penn State Erie
University of Wisconsin
Michigan State
Ferris State
Madison Technical College
Clemson University
Illinois State
Penn College
Start by completing the application
forms at www.thermoformingdivision.
com or at www.4spe.com. x
10 Thermoforming QUArTerLY
Thermoforming QUArTerLY 11
Thermoforming 2.0
The Importance of Controlling
Sheet Thickness Prior to Forming
A matter of quality and economics
by Arthur Buckel, McConnell Co.
he importance of prethinning
for uniform
wall thickness and preshaping
the hot sheet before
forming is something
many thermoformers
understand. However, they
do not appreciate how many
advantages can be gained if
the process is done properly
and completely. Where do
we begin to discuss such an
important subject? Let us
start at the beginning with the
customers design, drawings
and software.
The end customer will often
include in the title block
information, or specifications,
their requirement for
the material they need,
including starting sheet
thickness. This is the worst
possible thing they can do
because one thermoformer,
using the indicated material,
will form a part with quite
variable thicknesses across
the part while another
will obtain a part with very
reasonable uniform thickness.
The difference, of course, is
the variation in machinery,
tooling, and techniques used,
and/or a large difference in
experience and knowledge
between the two companies.
Each processor can give the
customer what they asked for
the starting sheet thickness as
stated on the drawings though
the less-qualified former will
deliver a suboptimal part due
to thinning, which fails to
meet the requirements for part
performance. On the other hand,
a modern, experienced, quality
operation will deliver a part with
minimum thickness that exceeds
the customers need. The part
designer should instead indicate
the minimum thickness required
at specific areas of the part and
let the manufacturer decide the
starting thickness of sheet.
In this article, I am going to
look at some thermoforming
problems created in part design,
how they were solved and how
they saved the customer money
while increasing margins for the
and Classifying
A major problem for formers
of refrigerator liners and other
similar shaped parts is the
formed grooves in the sides and
tops of the molds that create the
shelf supports inside the finished
part. As the material flows over
the mold, it first touches the
sides and top surfaces of the
mold and begins to cool. This
increases the hot strength of the
material causing it to stretch less
and thin more as it flows into the
three sides of the recesses. The
worst part is where the bottom
of the recess meets the platen
and now the material must
thin even more to cover four
The solution is to pre-shape the
hot sheet into this configuration
before allowing the sheet to be
formed onto the mold. In this
(continued on next page)
12 Thermoforming QUArTerLY
way we are using hot sheet
with less hot strength to cover
the area, thus yielding a thicker
finish in the part.
In the 1960s and 1970s,
thermoformers were advised to
not stretch the hot sheet over
an area greater than 3 times the
sheet area. This was due to a
lack of ability of the hot sheet to
stretch beyond this ratio. Over
the last 30 years, new additives
that were not previously
available have become standard
in most thermoformable sheet
that allow for greater elongation,
hot strength, and impact
strength. Today it is not unusual
to stretch the hot sheet to 6 or
7 times its starting area. Also,
with additional butadiene rubber
in the styrene and ABS groups,
you will retain higher impact
strengths when the additional
stretching is needed.
With this information in mind,
you can now build the pre-draw
box just 1/4 to 3/8 inch higher
than the mold and pre-draw the
hot sheet all the way up into
the pre-stretch box until it hits
the top of the box and forms
over the inserts. This will give a
rectangle shape to the hot sheet
more comparable to the shape
of the mold and will have preformed
the areas in the slots
on the mold, leaving greater
thickness. Without the use of
a pre-draw box or if the pre
draw of the hot sheet is only
40-50% of the mold height, the
mold will impact the sheet too
soon. The material will begin to
chill and will be thicker on the
top, leaving chill marks on the
upper sides while stretching the
sheet down the sides which will
become too thin in many areas.
The theory of a platen size of the
area of the mold plus a margin
of 40 to 50% of the mold height,
all around, is not as functional
as a smaller platen, and a thicker
sheet; using a pre-draw box. A
margin of 2 to 4 inches around
the mold, depending on the mold
height, is preferred.
To prevent webbing at the
corners of the mold, it is
recommended that a chamber
be added in each corner of the
pre-draw box. This will cause
the hot sheet to spread along the
sides during pre-form and be
pulled out of the sharp corners
of the box.
For any application, the predraw
box should have large
windows on the front and the
rear sides. They both will allow
light to enter the box and the
front will allow a good view of
the hot sheet pulling into the
box, allowing the processor to
monitor the process.
There is always the question
of controlling the vacuum that
allows the sheet to be pushed
into the pre-draw box to just
the right height. The best and
most consistent way is to drill
a series of small holes (.040
diameter) in the sides and top
of the box which will reduce
the full vacuum resistance in
the box. Set the box up in the
machine with a full vacuum,
and using a properly heated
sheet, test the depth of the predraw
bubble. If it draws too
far, drill a few more holes, and
try another hot sheet until it is
correct. If the sheet does not
draw far enough, cover some
of the holes with masking
tape, and try again. When it
is just right, fill the covered
holes with silicone sealer for
a permanent seal. Each time
you set up the mold and predraw
box, and properly heat
the sheet, you will have the
correct setting for the vacuum
required to draw the proper
bubble every time without
changing the vacuum setting.
Another problem found in
design is a part with a deep
(continued on next page)
Thermoforming QUArTerLY 13
and/or irregular cavity or
cavities in the top of the part.
Build a plug or plugs close
to the size and shape of the
cavity or cavities and insert it
or them in the proper position
in the pre-draw box.
When you pre-draw the hot
sheet into the box to its full
depth over and around the
plugs, then move the mold
into the box and draw the
vacuum, the cavity or cavities
will be formed with maximum
possible thickness of material.
When facing the problems of
part design of varying heights
and irregularities of shape,
it is important to use profile
heating to create areas of
higher and lower temperature
in the sheet at time of forming.
Create hotter areas where you
need greater stretching and
cooler areas where you need
Combine this heating
technique with dividing walls
within the pre-draw box
to create a hot sheet shape
comparable to the mold
configuration before forming.
To help maintain the material
texture, cover the plugs, walls,
and pre-draw box inner top with
felt cloth or felt rubber sheeting.
These materials will cushion the
texture, and draw very little heat
from the sheet before you pull
the vacuum and form the part.
Using variations of these
forming techniques should help
any thermoformer to compete
for almost all business that
comes their way.
Remember, being competitive
is not just meeting the other
bidders price!!
Being truly competitive is
meeting the price while being
productive enough to build
quality parts and retain a fair
profit. x
14 Thermoforming QUArTerLY
Industry Practice
Performance Products:
Bonding LSE Plastics
Michael Merwin, Market Development Specialist, FlexCON, Spencer, MA
When working with low-surface-energy materials,
it is important to match the durability of the
manufactured material with an adhesive that can
meet the demanding requirements of the finished
product. One of the biggest challenges in bonding
to low-surface-energy plastics, specifically
thermoplastic polyolefins (TPO), is that in most
cases they have traditionally required a pretreatment
for permanent adhesion.
What is Surface Energy?
In liquids, the molecular layer at the boundary
where the surface of one material meets a second
material (such as liquid to solid or liquid to air) is
different than the constituent molecules beneath
the surface. This difference is the result of an
imbalance between the intermolecular forces.
Example: a molecule of water beneath the surface
is surrounded by other water molecules in the X,
Y, and Z directions. The molecule of water at the
very surface has no water on top. This imbalance
causes the top water molecules to pull closer
together (laterally). This phenomenon is referred to
as surface tension. Surface tension plays a role
in water beading up on a freshly waxed car, water
bugs walking on water, and people water-skiing.
A similar effect occurs in solids, but is often
referred to as specific surface energy and is
usually measured as a distortion of a drop of a
liquid on the test surface of the solid in the form of
a contact angle (see Figure 1). For a given liquid
with its own surface tension properties, the lower the
contact angles, the higher the specific surface energy
of the solid material. Conversely, the higher the
contact angle, the lower the specific surface energy
of the solid material. Pressure-sensitive adhesives
are viscoelastic in nature. As such, their degree of
surface contact will depend on the specific surface
energy of the substrate to which the adhesive is
being applied.
Figure 1.
A demonstration of this principle is the ease of
removal of the protective liner from a bumper
sticker or band-aid. The liners are often siliconecoated.
Silicones have very low surface energies,
in the 22-24 dynes/centimeter (common units of
surface energy) range, compared with most PSAs,
(continued on page 18)
16 Thermoforming QUArTerLY
Thermoforming QUArTerLY 17
(continued from page 16)
which are between 30 and 36 dynes/cm. The
silicone-coated liner presents a difficult surface
for the PSA (a viscoelastic liquid) to make surface
contact (or wet-out). This results in low adhesion
to the liner so low that these protective liners
are often referred to as release liners. Figure
2 illustrates the Specific Surface Energies of
some common materials. Materials such as the
fluorocarbons and silicone, normally thought of as
non-stick surfaces, have very low specific surface
energies and so are difficult to adhere to. TPO falls
in the category of low surface energy. Materials
such as copper, aluminum, and tin, which have high
specific surface energies, are generally known to be
easy to adhere to.
Adhesives for Adhering to
LSE Surfaces
High-performance adhesives have become an
increasingly important pressure-sensitive bonding
solution, responding to market trends that not
only include increased use of low-surface-energy
plastics, but also:
Harsher end-use application environments
Unusual product shapes that require adhesion to
curved surfaces
Traditional solutions offered for applying adhesives
to TPO included abrading, priming or flame treating.
These processes are time consuming and can damage
the surface of the plastic. Abrading the surface can
require an increase in the thickness of the adhesive.
This is necessary in order to get the product to
wet out into the plastic. The increase in thickness
increases the cost of the adhesive and also increases
the amount of attention that must be paid to the
pressure of application. Priming and flame treating
are also intended to damage the surface in an effort
to raise the level of surface energy. These processes
also change the appearance of the TPO area. (See
chart below.)
Adhesives designed for use with TPO allow the
processor to avoid interim steps. They are required
only to wash the area with an IPA/water (50/50 mix)
to remove dirt or mold releases. Adhesive designed
for TPO can increase the adhesion of the product
High-performance adhesives are an effective
solution where a general purpose, removable, or
aggressive adhesive cannot quite meet the demands
Figure 2.
(continued on next page)
18 Thermoforming QUArTerLY
of the application. High-performance adhesive
provides performance for a specific function or
in a specific environment. It is not necessarily a
high performer in all situations. There are high
performing adhesives specifically designed to
withstand the service temperature extremes of
automotive or electronic components. That same
adhesive may not provide high performance in
resisting the effects of, for example, long-term UV
exposure or chemicals. It is important for the user
to ask a series of questions about the product on
which the adhesive will be used, the industry it will
service, product performance expectations, surfaces
receiving adhesives, the size, texture, and shape of
the application surface. Other questions can include
environmental concerns, temperatures, type of
processing equipment, and processing parameters of
the customers equipment.
PSA Selection and the Ins
and Outs of Shear, Tack and
To put the benefits of adhesives to work means
a complete understanding of the product design,
its intended use and the substrates earmarked for
Considerations include the role of key physical
adhesive properties shear, tack and peel when
deciding on the best adhesive system. Within the
realm of PSAs, there are four main polymer families:
acrylic, emulsion, rubber, and silicone. Each offers
particular characteristics for particular applications.
In most cases, acrylic adhesives provide the widest
range of performance characteristics, with an
operating range of -40°F to more than 450°F.
Any one of the aforementioned adhesive types can
be customized to meet virtually any adhesion need.
Shear adhesion is the force required to move a PSA
from a standard flat surface in a direction parallel
to the surface to which it has been affixed with a
definite pressure. It is measured in terms of the
force required to pull a standard adhesive from a
test panel under a standard load. Usually, tack and
adhesion performance decrease as shear strength
The ASTM D 3654 Method A (1 hr. dwell, 1 sq. in,
4 lb. load) indicates that low shear is less than 10
hours, while medium shear is 10 to less than 100
hours. High shear is determined by measurements
of more than 100 hours.
Tack is a measure of the force required to remove,
say, a foam gasket and its adhesive from the
substrate. It usually refers to the measure of
initial attraction of the adhesive to the substrate.
The degree of tack is a function of adhesive
components. It can be and is controlled by
manufacturers to create different products based
upon end user requirements.
According to the ASTM D 2979 standard, very
low tack ranges from 0 to 100 grams per square
centimeter (g/sq.cm), while low tack is up to 400
per g/sq.cm. Medium- to medium-high tack ranges
from 401 to 700 g/sq.cm, while high to very high
tack ranges from 701 to more than 801 g/sq.cm.
High tack is equally important with the use of
low-surface energy plastics and metal among
OEM design and production engineers for a host
of products, ranging from automobile components
to durable medical devices to sound-damping
Peel is the measure of bond strength between an
adhesive and a substrate. The degree of adhesion
can be and is controlled by manufacturers to
create different products based upon end user
(continued on next page)
Thermoforming QUArTerLY 19
requirements. Adhesion will
continue to increase for a period
of time from the moment of
application, typically 24 hours.
Peel readings are generally
taken at angles of 90° and
180°. Used to measure the
force required to overcome an
adhesive bond, the peel test
is heavily influenced by the
targeted surfaces for adhesion.
In films, for instance, both
caliper and tensile strength will
have an impact on the measured
adhesion. A peel measurement
allows application designers to
determine whether an adhesive
will be able to resist an
anticipated force that may work
against the adhesive bond.
According to the ASTM D
903 standard (modified for 72
hour dwell time), very low to
low peel is 0 to 34 ounces per
inch (oz./in.), while medium to
medium-high peel is 35 to 74
oz./in. High to very high peel is
75 to more than 95 oz./in.
Minimum and maximum
tolerances will ultimately
determine the right PSA for a
given application, which can
vary from efficient and cost
effective assembly assist to
intricate and fortified disk drive
construction to automobile
and aerospace components.
In fact, in many cases, the
use of an adhesive over more
practical, cost-effective and yield
traditional bonding and mounting
a better product. x
technologies can be more
20 Thermoforming QUArTerLY
Quarterly Deadlines for
Copy and Sponsorships
15-FEB Spring 30-APR Summer
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Conference Edition Post-Conference Edition
All artwork to be sent in .eps
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300dpi resolution.
Become a
Quarterly Sponsor
in 2011!
Additional sponsorship
opportunities will include
4-color, full page, and
1/2 page.
Questions? Call or email
Laura Pichon
Ex-Tech Plastics
IN 2011!
October 16 thru October 19, 2011
Westin Peachtree Plaza Hotel
Atlanta, Georgia
Thermoforming QUArTerLY 21
The End of Life of
Gaelle Janssens, Environmental Affairs Manager,
PRO Europe, and Attilio Caligiani, Consultant, Weber
Shandwich (Brussels, Belgium)
About Bioplastics
PRO EUROPE (Packaging
Recovery Organization
Europe), the umbrella
organization for the packaging
and packaging waste recovery
schemes which mainly use
the Green Dot trademark,
is convinced that waste and
resource management is at the
forefront of a new economy.
This economy is being called
upon to answer increasingly
wide-spread environmental
issues, notably those driven
by mainstream concerns
over climate change, and the
financial crisis.
A few years ago the general
opinion about bio-packaging
would have meant speaking
in terms of biodegradable
packaging. Nowadays, the
evolution of packaging sees
a more focused view on the
renewability of resource rather
than just on biodegradability.
So composting of
biopackaging is far from
being the only possibility
for end-of-life. Many
different ends-of-life exist for
biopackaging. The choice of
a particular option depends
Thermoforming and Sustainability
on the collection and treatment
infrastructure available.
Just because many types of
biopackaging are compostable, it
does not mean that composting
is the best option from an
environmental, logistic, or
economic perspective. Based
on environmental study, it is the
opinion of PRO EUROPE that
bioplastic recovery is better than
End of Life of
Depending on the country,
if the bioplastic products
comply with the sorting
instructions, bioplastics are
selectively collected according
to type. The possible endof-
life options are recycling,
incineration, composting or
landfill. Recycling is possible
with traditional polymers made
from renewable resources,
e.g. bio PET, bio PE, etc. For
other innovative polymers
the prerequisites are adapted
sorting equipment, good
quantities of high quality
homogenous material, an
existing and sustainable
recycling infrastructure, and
end-user outlets. It should
be mentioned that blended
materials cannot be optically
sorted and some polymers might
bring a risk of contamination
of recycling processes (e.g.
if PLA enters the process of
recycling PET. Both materials
have a similar appearance
and automatic sorting as
used to sort PP or PVC from
a PET recycling stream is
not currently installed at all
recycling facilities). Another
possible end-of-life option is
gasification or incineration
with energy recovery for
the environment, a better
solution than composting. Note
that incineration with energy
recovery is already used in some
countries as a way of treating
residuals after sorting. The
third end-of-life option in this
scenario is organic recycling or
composting, a possible solution
whenever the packaging is
mixed with organic waste (e.g.
food waste, kitchen waste, yard
waste, etc.) in proper recovery
infrastructure. The last end-oflife
solution is landfill, which is
the least preferable solution.
If bioplastics are thrown into
the residual waste bin, they
will end their life in landfill
(worst option) or be incinerated
to provide energy recovery.
From the authors point of
view, incineration is a better
environmental option than
industrial composting. It is
already used in some countries
to treat the residual waste.
Only a small minority of citizens
have access to organic waste
(continued on next page)
22 Thermoforming QUArTerLY
collection. For this scenario, the
authors think that composting is
not as good for the environment
as energy recovery (gasification
or incineration). Moreover,
new collection and treatment
infrastructure is needed to
handle organic packaging. A
test shows that the quality of
the compost (and its end value
to the market) would go down
because of sorting mistakes
made by consumers. There are
also implied additional costs in
adapting existing infrastructure
and to manage residual waste.
The Sustainability of
As previously mentioned
and based on environmental
study, the authors think
that bioplastic recovery is
better than composting.
But even if bioplastics are
frequently described as being
environmentally superior to
traditional plastics, the authors
do not agree that this is always
the case. As said before, being
biodegradable or biomass-based
doesnt automatically mean
being ecologically friendly
or sustainable. This must be
verified on a case-by-case
When considering the problem
of litter, we can say that
biodegradability does not
necessarily resolve this issue.
Litter must be dealt with at the
source; it is a social problem.
Biological degradation can
mitigate the problem, but
without specific and necessary
conditions (micro-organisms,
temperature and humidity) it
can be very slow.
Furthermore, bioplastics could
theoretically add to the problem
of litter if supported by a belief
that they all just break down
and disappear after disposal.
For this reason, we must take
care to educate the consumer
It often happens that consumers
are confused by all the
different labels printed on bags,
boxes and bottles describing
packaging as biodegradable
or home compostable or
even biopackaging. Even
if consumers react very
favorably to these ideas, most
do not associate them with the
required actions. There is a
need to regulate and provide
clear communication on both
labels and in the instructions for
sorting plastics.
Other important factors are
education and instruction.
Material producers, converters
and retailers that use these new
materials have a responsibility
and a duty to introduce them in
a conscientious and regulated
manner, so that previous
education programs aimed at
promoting recycling and the
prevention of waste are not
diminished. x
Reprinted with permission from
Bioplastics Magazine.
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SPE National
Executive Director
Susan Oderwald
Direct Line: 203/740-5471
Fax: 203/775-8490
email: Seoderwald@4spe.org
Conference Coordinator
Gwen Mathis
6 S. Second Street, SE
Lindale, Georgia 30147
Fax: 706/295-4276
email: gmathis224@aol.com
Thermoforming QUArTerLY 23
Alliance with
Gettysburg High School,
Gettysburg, PA
Roger Kipp, McClarin Plastics, Inc.
A schools goal is to develop
interests and open new avenues
for students to explore, said
Dave Snyder, Co-Chair of
the Career and Technology
Department at Gettysburg High
In order to stimulate workforce
development in manufacturing,
and to further the interest of
the next generation in plastics
manufacturing jobs, industry
must provide the pathway to our
technology. Educational facilities
including, universities, junior
colleges, technical institutes, and
high schools all connect to that
development. An alliance with
those programs is vital to our
sustainable growth and success.
In 2008, with support from a
SPE Thermoforming Division
Equipment Grant, a generous
discount from MAAC
Thermoforming Machinery,
and additional federal funding,
a thermoforming work cell was
created to expand the schools
Engineering Design course
incorporating thermoforming
technology into the course
content as part of a 6-week group
Thermoforming is introduced
as an application of material
engineering and industrial
systems engineering. The
students explored manufacturing
and product development by
thermoforming on the MAAC
machine, developing design in
CAD and creating manufacturing
programs for CNC robotic mold
machining and part trimming.
In the plastics activity they
are encouraged to use existing
molds to test characteristics of
different plastics and explore
thermal variables that affect part
production. The machine settings,
temperatures and results are
recorded and used as part of the
research and investigation step in
the production of prototype parts.
Remote Control Boat
As an independent study course,
2011 senior Kevin Ohler designed
and built a remote control boat.
The boat hull was modeled
after an off shore racing hull.
Kevin designed the hull using
Autodesk Inventor. He then
created the necessary tool paths
and machining codes using
Master Cam to allow the ShopBot
CNC router to cut the mold for
thermoforming on the MAAC
machine. Kevin then drilled the
necessary vacuum evacuation
holes in the mold and constructed
the vacuum box. Todd Chrismer,
Production Manager at McClarin
Plastics, assisted Kevin with his
hull mold design and provided
the students with valuable tips on
industry thermoforming practice.
Giant Combination Lock
In another independent study
course, Logan Riser and Ryan
Dudash reverse engineered a
working lock that is 6 times
larger than a standard Master
lock. The students unassembled
several Master locks to understand
how a lock functions. Then they
created the necessary tool paths
and machining codes with Master
Cam to complete machining of
the thermoforming molds with the
ShopBot router. With this project
the ShopBot was also programmed
for trimming the thermoformed
components. The locks external
body was thermoformed utilizing
draw box processing techniques.
The giant white hasp was
fabricated from PVC pipe. The
students built a wooden form to
bend the pipe around. They then
filled the PVC pipe with sand
and heated it using the MAAC
oven. Once the pipe softened
the students armed with welding
gloves removed the pipe from the
carriage and bent it around the
wooden form.
Remote Control Car
One of the group options for the 6
week program is the popular Penn
College Plastics Engineering RC
Car competition in Williamsport,
PA. The students are challenged
to create a 1/18th scale body for
a LOSI radio controlled toy race
car. In this exciting engineering
challenge the students produce
(continued on next page)
24 Thermoforming QUArTerLY
the vehicle body using the
thermoforming process. They
are expected to complete the
necessary engineering research,
CAD drawings and molds, all to
be incorporated into their final
formal presentation. During
production of the car a group
of 4 or 5 students assign team
member responsibilities, set
and evaluate progress to goals,
use Auto Cad to design, Master
Cam to machine and trim,
and develop presentations in
PowerPoint. All in addition to the
discovery of dealing with sheet
thermoforming and the related
polymer characteristics. This
year, four groups have completed
the thermoforming challenge
with a focus on competing in
Williamsport this spring. This
is a unique opportunity for high
school students to utilize industrial
equipment at a level of technology
and competition.
The Thermoforming Division
can be proud of the Gettysburg
students and the way they have
utilized the Divisions grant to
trigger their ideas for a future in
manufacturing, preferably one that
includes thermoformed plastics.
The pictures accompanying this
article further document the
amazing success of these projects.
See photos
page 26
Center of Excellence
Receives Innovation
Released January 10, 2011
Pennsylvania College of
Technologys Plastics
Manufacturing Center was
recently awarded an Innovation
Grant from the Pennsylvania
Department of Community and
Economic Development.
The $100,000 grant will fund
the hiring of a thermoforming
program manager to help lead the
PMCs Thermoforming Center
of Excellence, providing project
management to the centers
industry clients and helping
to develop curriculum for the
colleges plastics program.
The Thermoforming Center of
Excellence, opened in April
2010, is an 1,800-square-foot
facility dedicated to serve the
education, training, and research
and development needs of
thermoformers, sheet extruders,
resin suppliers, mold builders and
equipment manufacturers.
It represents the only state-ofthe-
art Center of Excellence for
research and development and
education for the thermoforming
industry in North America. It
greatly enhances Pennsylvanias
infrastructure to serve local
industry and its competitiveness
for attracting outside companies
to locate in the commonwealth
Keystone Innovation Zones.
On November 30, Pennsylvania
announced 14 Innovation Grants,
totaling $1.3 million, to its
colleges and research facilities
to help bring Pennsylvania-made
technologies to market. The
investments will leverage an
additional $1.6 million in outside
Since the Innovation Grant
program began in 2006, the
state has invested more than
$12.7 million in Pennsylvanias
research institutions. Because of
the program, 523 well-paying,
high-skilled jobs and 91 startup
companies have been created,
and more than 1,500 technologies
have been developed.
The Innovation Grant and the
Keystone Innovation Zone
programs are funded through
the Ben Franklin Technology
Development Authority one
of the nations largest and most
replicated state technologydevelopment
programs that
provides a vehicle for investment
in economic-, community- and
university-based innovation. Its
programs are a key component of
DCEDs strategy and mission.
The Penn College Plastics
Manufacturing Center is one
of the top plastics-technology
centers in the country. It offers
industry access to extensive
material-testing laboratories,
industrial-scale process
equipment, world-class training
facilities and highly skilled
consulting staff. x
Thermoforming QUArTerLY 25
Alliance with Education continued
Gettysburg High School, Gettysburg, PA
Chad Love and Todd Chrismer from
Boat hull mold ready for forming.
McClarin Plastics, Inc., Steven Shetter, and
Kevin Ohler prepare to form a boat hull.
Master lock outer body shell side view.
Kevin Ohler drills vacuum holes in the hull
body mold.
Master lock design and build team Logan
Riser and Ryan Dudash.
From the Editor
If you are an educator, student or advisor in a college or university with a
plastics program, we want to hear from you! The SPE Thermoforming Division
has a long and rich tradition of working with academic partners. From
scholarships and grants to workforce development programs, the division
seeks to promote a stronger bond between industry and academia.
Thermoforming Quarterly is proud to publish news and stories related to
the science and business of thermoforming:
New materials development
New applications
Innovative technologies
Industry partnerships
New or expanding laboratory facilities
We are also interested in hearing from our members and colleagues
around the world. If your school or institution has an international partner,
please invite them to submit relevant content. We publish press releases,
student essays, photos and technical papers. If you would like to arrange an
interview, please contact Ken Griep, Academic Programs, at:
ken@pcmwi.com or 608.742.7137
26 Thermoforming QUArTerLY
2010 – 2012
Ken Griep
Portage Casting & Mold
2901 Portage Road
Portage, WI 53901
(608) 742-7137
Fax (608) 742-2199
Phil Barhouse
Spartech Packaging Technologies
100 Creative Way, PO Box 128
Ripon, WI 54971
(920) 748-1119
Fax (920) 748-9466
James Alongi
MAAC Machinery
590 Tower Blvd.
Carol Stream, IL 60188
(630) 665-1700
Fax (630) 665-7799
Mike Sirotnak
Solar Products
228 Wanaque Avenue
Pompton Lakes, NJ 07442
(973) 248-9370
Fax (973) 835-7856
Roger Kipp
McClarin Plastics
P. O. Box 486, 15 Industrial Drive
Hanover, PA 17331
(717) 637-2241 x4003
Fax (717) 637-4811
Brian Ray
Ray Products
1700 Chablis Avenue
Ontario, CA 91761
(909) 390-9906, Ext. 216
Fax (909) 390-9984
Ken Griep
Chair Elect
Phil Barhouse
Bob Porsche
Technical Committees
Roger Jean
Don Kruschke
Mike Sirotnak
Clarissa Schroeder
Publications /
Laura Pichon
Newsletter / Technical
Conor Carlin
Phil Barhouse
James Alongi
Rich Freeman
Student Programs
Brian Winton
Roger Kipp
Prior Chair
Brian Ray
2011 Conference
Schaumburg, IL
James Alongi
Brian Winton
Haydn Forward
Clarissa Schroeder
Juliet Goff
Green Committee
Steve Hasselbach
2012 Conference
Grand Rapids, MI
Haydn Forward &
Lola Carere
Gwen Mathis
Haydn Forward
Thermoforming QUArTerLY 27
Roger Kipp
he council activities of
this Global Society have
maintained a high intensity
focus on the development
of a stronger SPE. For SPE
to continue the mission of
providing and promoting
quality plastics education and
technical information worldwide,
the society first has to regain
financial stability. This stability
requires the stimulation of
membership retention and
growth with an understanding
and communication of member
values to the industry. That
includes those involved in
plastics engineering and,
equally as important, their
corporate leadership. The
following overview provides
some highlights of those council
activities and results.
A positive cash contribution
of $120,000.00 to net
assets was realized in 2010,
bringing total net assets to
over $1 million dollars. This
is an amazing turn around
when you consider that
net assets were negative
$300,000.00 at year-end
The budget approved at the
September Council meeting
projects a $313,000.00 net
contribution for 2011.
This budget was developed
using conservative estimates
in all categories.
Membership is
conservatively based on
revenues attained in 2010
with no change projected
in the base rate of dues
and membership at 15,000
members. Again this is
conservative and the same as
Much of the credit for this
turnaround goes to Executive
Director Susan Oderwald.
Long-term contracts for the
SPE Journals, contracting
the publication of Plastics
Engineering to Wiley
Subscription Services and
negotiating the sale of the 30year-
old headquarters building
in 2009 have all made a huge
impact on reducing expenses and
increasing revenues.
Extensive operations and
governance cost-containment
further strengthened the results.
Staff reductions, staff financial
sacrifices, and reduced facilities
and operating costs were all
contributing factors.
In order to maintain financial
stability, SPE must continue to
contain costs while increasing
membership and participation
in technical conferences and
other events.
Membership stabilized in
2010 after bottoming out in
2009 with a 15% loss.
A net gain of 2.2% was
realized in 2010 bringing
membership to 15,300.
Retention is at 77% – an
increase of 7% over 2010.
There are 3,680 new
members with 14%
coming in at ANTEC and
39% through company
Membership target for
2011 is 16,000 members.
A new extended Young
Professional membership
and a Retired membership
status as well as possible
joint memberships through
other organizations are
changes being considered to
further stimulate growth.
(continued on next page)
28 Thermoforming QUArTerLY
Management system
software technology
upgrades with new pricing
strategies and other
features designed toward
a customized value
proposition for members will
further support retention and
Management Software
The 2011 budget includes
expenditures to support the
replacement of the 1997
system that lacked todays
web-based technology.
AMS will update and
enhance the SPE on presence
while providing further
office efficiencies.
This new system will allow
the SPE website to more
fully interact with members
in real time. It will provide
payment options including
monthly withdrawal, auto
renewal, multi currency
options and a more efficient
event registration process.
AMS provides improved
management of group
events, activity calendars
and real time availability of
member lists.
AMS will go live by early in
the second quarter of 2011.
Look for improved
member value with
real time information
and activity including
mobile accessibility via
ANTEC 2011
Mark your calendar for
May 1-5, 2011.
Hynes Convention Center in
Boston, MA www.4spe.org/
ANTEC is the largest
technical conference for
plastics globally with over
700 papers planned for 2011.
This paper submittal is up
25% from 2010.
Papers presented at ANTEC
remain in SPEs online
technical library providing
a resource to you and your
company years after the
event has concluded.
Seminars and the SPE
Online Store
SPE will no longer produce
independent seminars with
independent instructors.
Revenues have not justified
the total costs.
A new review and licensing
model will be introduced
where industry seminar
providers communicate
with SPE members through
preferred promotion and
market support.
Licensed providers will
be required to meet SPE
certification criteria
The SPE on line store will
remain in place to sell SPE
proceedings, recordings, and
other products.
SPE will continue to manage
agreements with publishers
who provide preferred
pricing and offerings
through the online store with
inventory and fulfillment
passed through to the
publishers. (Amazon model)
Virtual Council Meeting
As council expenses for
travel and meeting space
have continued to increase,
a more efficient method of
holding governance meeting
has evolved.
One meeting annually is now
a virtual meeting.
The meeting held on Friday,
February 11 included 83
councilors from all around
the globe.
This 3 hour meeting
was a great success.
The technology worked
flawlessly allowing efficient
presentations and voting.
The next Council meeting will
be held in Boston at ANTEC. As
Councilor I request your input
and suggestions for continuous
improvement opportunities within
SPE. Please feel free to e-mail me
at rkipp@mcclarinplastics.com. x
Thermoforming QUArTerLY 29
From the Editor
Juliet Oehler Goff, President/CEO, Kal Plastics
If you are an educator, student or advisor in a college or university with a plastics program,
we want to hear from you! The SPE Thermoforming Division has a long and rich tradition of
working with academic partners. From scholarships and grants to workforce development
programs, the division seeks to promote a stronger bond between industry and academia.
Thermoforming Quarterly is proud to publish news and stories related to the science and
business of thermoforming:
New materials development
New applications
Innovative technologies
Industry partnerships
New or expanding laboratory facilities
We are also interested in hearing from our members and colleagues around the world. If
your school or institution has an international partner, please invite them to submit relevant
content. We publish press releases, student essays, photos and technical papers. If you
would like to arrange an interview, please contact Ken Griep, Academic Programs, at:
ken@pcmwi.com or 608.742.7137
ISO 9001:2000
30 Thermoforming QUArTerLY
Thermoforming QUArTerLY 31
Board of Directors
James Alongi
MAAC Machinery
590 Tower Blvd.
Carol Stream, IL 60188
T: 630.665.1700
F: 630.665.7799
Roger Fox
The Foxmor Group
373 S. Country Farm Road
Suite 202
Wheaton, IL 60187
T: 630.653.2200
F: 630.653.1474
Hal Gilham
Productive Plastics, Inc.
103 West Park Drive
Mt. Laurel, NJ 08045
T: 856.778.4300
F: 856.234.3310
Don Kruschke (Chair)
31875 Solon Road
Solon, OH 44139
T: 440.498.4000
F: 440.498.4001
Mike Sirotnak
Solar Products
228 Wanaque Avenue
Pompton Lakes, NJ 07442
T: 973.248.9370
F: 973.835.7856
Brian Ray
Ray Products
1700 Chablis Drive
Ontario, CA 91761
T: 909.390.9906
F: 909.390.9984
Brian Winton
Modern Machinery
PO Box 423
Beaverton, MI 48612
T: 989.435.9071
F: 989.435.3940
Dennis Northrop
Akzo Nobel
1872 Highway 9 Bypass
Lancaster, NC 29720
T: 803.287.5535
Robert G. Porsche
General Plastics
2609 West Mill Road
Milwaukee, WI 53209
T: 414.351.1000
F: 414.351.1284
Mark Strachan
Global Thermoforming
1550 SW 24th Avenue
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312
T: 754.224.7513
Jay Waddell
Plastics Concepts & Innovations
1127 Queensborough Road
Suite 102
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464
T: 843.971.7833
F: 843.216.6151
Eric Short
Mytex Polymers
1403 Port Road
Jeffersonville, IN 47130-8411
T: 248.705.2830
F: 248.328.8073
Haydn Forward (Chair)
Specialty Manufacturing Co.
6790 Nancy Ridge Road
San Diego, CA 92121
T: 858.450.1591
F: 858.450.0400
Richard Freeman
Freetech Plastics
2211 Warm Springs Court
Fremont, CA 94539
T: 510.651.9996
F: 510.651.9917
Ken Griep
Portage Casting & Mold
2901 Portage Road
Portage, WI 53901
T: 608.742.7137
F: 608.742.2199
Steve Hasselbach
CMI Plastics
222 Pepsi Way
Ayden, NC 28416
T: 252.746.2171
F: 252.746.2172
Roger Kipp
McClarin Plastics
15 Industrial Drive
PO Box 486
Hanover, PA 17331
T: 717.637.2241
F: 717.637.2091
Bret Joslyn
Joslyn Manufacturing
9400 Valley View Road
Macedonia, OH 44056
T: 330.467.8111
F: 330.467.6574
Stephen Murrill
Profile Plastics
65 S. Waukegan
Lake Bluff, IL 60044
T: 847.604.5100 x29
F: 847.604.8030
Jim Armor
Armor & Associates
16181 Santa Barbara Lane
Huntington Beach, CA 92649
T: 714.846.7000
F: 714.846.7001
Phil Barhouse
Spartech Packaging
100 Creative Way
PO Box 128
Ripon, WI 54971
T: 920.748.1119
F: 920.748.9466
phil.barhouse@spartech.comLola Carere
1600 Cross Point Way
Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097
T: 678.957.3220
F: 678.475.1747
Juliet Goff
Kal Plastics, Inc.
2050 East 48th Street
Vernon, CA 90058-2022
T: 323.581.6194
Donald Hylton
McConnell Company
646 Holyfield Highway
Fairburn, GA 30213
T: 678.772.5008
Roger P. Jean (Chair)
PO Box 1605
2040 Industrial Drive
Findlay, OH 45840
T: 567.208.9758
Laura Pichon
Ex-Tech Plastics
PO Box 576
11413 Burlington Road
Richmond, IL 60071
T: 847.829.8124
F: 815.678.4248
Clarissa Schroeder
Auriga Polymers, Inc.
Film & Sheet Division
1551 Sha Lane
Spartanburg, SC 29307
T: 864.579.5047
F: 864.579.5288
Thermoforming QUArTerLY 31
Board of Directors
James Alongi
MAAC Machinery
590 Tower Blvd.
Carol Stream, IL 60188
T: 630.665.1700
F: 630.665.7799
Roger Fox
The Foxmor Group
373 S. Country Farm Road
Suite 202
Wheaton, IL 60187
T: 630.653.2200
F: 630.653.1474
Hal Gilham
Productive Plastics, Inc.
103 West Park Drive
Mt. Laurel, NJ 08045
T: 856.778.4300
F: 856.234.3310
Don Kruschke (Chair)
31875 Solon Road
Solon, OH 44139
T: 440.498.4000
F: 440.498.4001
Mike Sirotnak
Solar Products
228 Wanaque Avenue
Pompton Lakes, NJ 07442
T: 973.248.9370
F: 973.835.7856
Brian Ray
Ray Products
1700 Chablis Drive
Ontario, CA 91761
T: 909.390.9906
F: 909.390.9984
Brian Winton
Modern Machinery
PO Box 423
Beaverton, MI 48612
T: 989.435.9071
F: 989.435.3940
Dennis Northrop
Akzo Nobel
1872 Highway 9 Bypass
Lancaster, NC 29720
T: 803.287.5535
Robert G. Porsche
General Plastics
2609 West Mill Road
Milwaukee, WI 53209
T: 414.351.1000
F: 414.351.1284
Mark Strachan
Global Thermoforming
1550 SW 24th Avenue
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312
T: 754.224.7513
Jay Waddell
Plastics Concepts & Innovations
1127 Queensborough Road
Suite 102
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464
T: 843.971.7833
F: 843.216.6151
Eric Short
Mytex Polymers
1403 Port Road
Jeffersonville, IN 47130-8411
T: 248.705.2830
F: 248.328.8073
Haydn Forward (Chair)
Specialty Manufacturing Co.
6790 Nancy Ridge Road
San Diego, CA 92121
T: 858.450.1591
F: 858.450.0400
Richard Freeman
Freetech Plastics
2211 Warm Springs Court
Fremont, CA 94539
T: 510.651.9996
F: 510.651.9917
Ken Griep
Portage Casting & Mold
2901 Portage Road
Portage, WI 53901
T: 608.742.7137
F: 608.742.2199
Steve Hasselbach
CMI Plastics
222 Pepsi Way
Ayden, NC 28416
T: 252.746.2171
F: 252.746.2172
Roger Kipp
McClarin Plastics
15 Industrial Drive
PO Box 486
Hanover, PA 17331
T: 717.637.2241
F: 717.637.2091
Bret Joslyn
Joslyn Manufacturing
9400 Valley View Road
Macedonia, OH 44056
T: 330.467.8111
F: 330.467.6574
Stephen Murrill
Profile Plastics
65 S. Waukegan
Lake Bluff, IL 60044
T: 847.604.5100 x29
F: 847.604.8030
Jim Armor
Armor & Associates
16181 Santa Barbara Lane
Huntington Beach, CA 92649
T: 714.846.7000
F: 714.846.7001
Phil Barhouse
Spartech Packaging
100 Creative Way
PO Box 128
Ripon, WI 54971
T: 920.748.1119
F: 920.748.9466
phil.barhouse@spartech.comLola Carere
1600 Cross Point Way
Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097
T: 678.957.3220
F: 678.475.1747
Juliet Goff
Kal Plastics, Inc.
2050 East 48th Street
Vernon, CA 90058-2022
T: 323.581.6194
Donald Hylton
McConnell Company
646 Holyfield Highway
Fairburn, GA 30213
T: 678.772.5008
Roger P. Jean (Chair)
PO Box 1605
2040 Industrial Drive
Findlay, OH 45840
T: 567.208.9758
Laura Pichon
Ex-Tech Plastics
PO Box 576
11413 Burlington Road
Richmond, IL 60071
T: 847.829.8124
F: 815.678.4248
Clarissa Schroeder
Auriga Polymers, Inc.
Film & Sheet Division
1551 Sha Lane
Spartanburg, SC 29307
T: 864.579.5047
F: 864.579.5288
nAccess to industry knowledge from one central location: www.thermoformingdivision.com.
nSubscription to Thermoforming Quarterly, voted Publication of the Year by SPE National.
nExposure to new ideas and trends from across the globe
nNew and innovative part design at the Parts Competition.
nOpen dialogue with the entire industry at the annual conference.
nDiscounts, discounts, discounts on books, seminars and conferences.
nFor managers: workshops and presentations tailored specifically to the needs of your operators.
nFor operators: workshops and presentations that will send you home with new tools to improve your performance, make your job easier and help the
companys bottom line.
Join D25 toDay!
nAccess to industry knowledge from one central location: www.thermoformingdivision.com.
nSubscription to Thermoforming Quarterly, voted Publication of the Year by SPE National.
nExposure to new ideas and trends from across the globe
nNew and innovative part design at the Parts Competition.
nOpen dialogue with the entire industry at the annual conference.
nDiscounts, discounts, discounts on books, seminars and conferences.
nFor managers: workshops and presentations tailored specifically to the needs of your operators.
nFor operators: workshops and presentations that will send you home with new tools to improve your performance, make your job easier and help the
companys bottom line.
Join D25 toDay!
Sponsor Index These sponsors enable us to publish Thermoforming Quarterly
n Allen ……………………………30
n ANTEC 2011 ………………….11
n Brown Machine……………….20
n CMT Materials ………………..14
n CMG ……………………………30
n GN Plastics ……………………..4
n GPEC 2011 ……………………21
n Kiefel …………………………..30
n KMT …………………………….21
n Kydex ………Inside Front Cover
n MAAC Machinery……………..21
n McClarin Plastics……………….4
n PCI ……………………………..27
n PMC ………… Inside Back Cover
n Portage Casting & Mold……….4
n Primex Plastics ……………….14
n Productive Plastics …………..30
n Profile Plastics Corp. ………..30
n PTi ……………………Back Cover
n Ray Products………………….30
n Solar Products………………….4
n Tempco ………………………..32
n Thermoforming Machinery &
Equipment Inc……………..27
n Thermwood……………………10
n TPS …………………………….10
n TSL……………………………..17
n Zed Industries………………..30
Thermoforming Division Membership Benefits
32 Thermoforming QUArTerLY